Getting to Mount Elgon National Park

Getting to Mountain Elgon National park is very simple and quick, all you need to do is to present in your personal documents to the trustworthy tour operator who is good in organizing tour packages for the travelers. Ideally mount Elgon national park can be reached either by Air or Road transport. The park is located in Eastern region of Uganda and can be accessed by two means of transport either by bus or plane.

Getting to Mount Elgon National Park

Mount Elgon national park is located in the Eastern region of Uganda approximately 231 kilometers from East of Uganda’s capital city ‘’Kampala’’ to the main destination. The park is an extinct volcano that first erupted for more than 24 million years ago and by that time it had the largest surface area of an extinct volcano in the world. But as we talk for today it’s no more. Perhaps, today it holds the fourth highest mountain in Eastern Africa and with the second-highest peak in Uganda which is known as Wagagi peak raising 4321 meters. Mt Elgon contains crater covering over 40 kilometers at the top of the mountains and surrounded by a series of rugged peak 

In general ,it is advisable a travelers to choose what he or she prefers most on issues concerning about  means of transport in order to reach the main destination .Most travelers prefer road transport than Air transport .This is because ,travel by road is more rewarding  than air has you go on viewing the green scenic landscape ,tea plantation ,hills ,mountains making it more admirable though it seems to be tire some but rewarding .When it comes to Air transport ,the journey is quiet boring with no viewing of the scenic landscape and travelers who use Air transport they miss a lot  until they access the park’s activities.

By Road transport from Kampala to the park 

Mount Elgon National Park is approximately 235km from east of Kampala while using a tarmac road passing Jinja via Mbale town at the western base of Mount Elgon before accessing climb to Kapchorwa on the mountain’s north-western flank. From Mbale to Kapchorwa district roads are dirt that leads you to reach the different trailheads of treeing Wagagai peak.

How do I travel from Kampala to Mount Elgon by car?

You can Travel by car from Kampala to Mount Elgon through using Jinja high way to reach to main destination. ’Mount Elgon National park’’ which last within 10hours.

How long does it take to get from Kampala to Mount Elgon?

It estimates 11 driving hours to get from Kampala to Mount Elgon national park including also the transfers.

How long is the flight from Kampala to Mount Elgon National Park?  

The flight can take 1:15hours from Entebbe Airport to Kisumu Airport where you can be picked up from by the guide and drives you to the park which lasts only 50 minutes. And by air you can use domestic charters or a scheduled flight that runs all safari destination in Uganda. Travelers can book a charter flight in advance from Entebbe international Airport to Kisumu Airport which is the only Airport near the park.

Which airlines fly from Entebbe Airport to Kisumu Airport?

There are few airlines which offer flights from Entebbe Airport to Kisumu Airport we only have one airline called Air Kenya Express.

Getting to Mount Elgon National Park
Getting to Mount Elgon National Park

How do I get to Entebbe ‘’EBB’’ Airport from Kampala?

From Kampala to Entebbe International Airport is approximately 46 kilometers and the best way to get there is by drive which takes 40 minutes if you are caught out of jam.

Note; There is no direct connection from Kampala to main destination of Mount Elgon National Park. However, you can take the bus to Kisumu or take the bus to Busia then take the travel to Mount Elgon National Park. Another option, you can take the drive to Entebbe Airport, fly to Kisumu then take the travel to Mount Elgon.

In order for a tour agent to process your Air transport arrangement, it requires you a traveler to send in your photocopied person document such as passport, Visa requirements to verify your identity.     

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